Rev. A. P. Peabody spoke last night on our coming obstacles, physical, mental and moral. There are thres ways of dealing with an obstacle; to struggle with it unsuccessfully, to crawl around it meanly, or to surmount it. The exercise of surmounting obstacles gives to a person a mental and physical exhilaration which is lasting and ennobling. In a physical sense, after surmounting an obstacle, there may be a descent, but mentally and morally there is never descent. Many great men owe some of their strength to the obstacles they had to overcome. There are enough difficulties in the way of every human being; the best training any young man can get is a habit of grappling with them and conquering them.
The choir sang very finely: giving some of the pleces with splendid effect. The following were the selections: an them, "O Lord our Governor," Marcello; "Thou shalt show me the path of life, W. B. Gilbert; "The king of love," Shelley.
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