There will be a tennis league this spring similar to the one of last spring, to be played on reserved courts under like regulations.
The following members have been selected by the committee: A. H. Brooks, '91, R. B. Hale, '91, G. W. Lee, L. S., P. Littell, '90, A. H. Lockett, '92, W. D. Orcutt, '92, J. A. Parker, '91, H. S. Potter, jr., '91, G. Rublee, '90, J. A. Stetson, '91, S. W. Sturgis, '90, H. Tallant, '91, M. K. Wildes '91, E. Wrenn, '92, making fourteen in all. The full membership will be sixteen. Any members of the university desiring to be chosen to fill the vacancies will please send their names to me before Saturday March 1, stating at what hours in the afternoon they can play, whether at 2 or 4 and whether on Saturday from 11 to 1 as a schedule has to be made out.
G. W. LEE, 28 College House, For the Committee.
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