
The Winning Combination.

Style, Comfort and Fit with Economy.

Men differ in ideas of proper apparel. One man insists on "style," preferring ultra appearances to comfort or exact fit; another "must have comfort," even if he loses style and exact fit," while a third demands an "exact fit," and sacrifices style and comfort to obtain it. The tailor is truly gifted who combines these ideas and properly satisfies each demand. In one garment one tailor has accomplished this. "Thompson's Patent Cut Trousers" are a perfect combination of style, comfort and fit. E. O. Thompson, the patentee, has, from small beginnings, become the largest merchant tailoring firm in our country, chiefly through the merits of this single specialty, even at high prices. Now that he introduces them as a ready-made specialty, with the winning inducement of economy, there will be immense sales. Making them in his own London house at the lowest first cost, they are sold cheap. Good qualities and special styles are guaranteed, because the cassimeres are woven to his special order and pattern. The prices-$3.50 for good ones to $9.00 for the best-affords two pair now for one formerly. Testimonials can be furnished to those unacquainted with their wide-known merits, but it is sufficient that Thompson's Patent Cut Trousers are as popular in London as the United States. After reading this notice and the advertisement in our columns you will be sure to investigate and invest.- From the Philadelphia Ledger.
