

HARVARD CO-OP. SOCIETY.- Annual meeting for the election of officers, reports etc., will be held in Sever 11 on Wednesday February 26, at 7.30 p. m.

A. V. WOODWORTH, Sec.FOUND.- At the Junior dinner last Tuesday, a Menu. If the owner wishes to keep it as a souvenir, let him apply at once to the auditor at Memorial hall.

FRESHMAN TUG-OF-WAR TEAM.- There will be a meeting of the candidates for the freshman tug of war team in the trophy room of the gymnasium at 3.30 this afternoon.

D. O. EARLE.Seniors are urged to make appointment immediately, for this work is getting behindband. As soon as the order list is ready the committee will make appointments for those who have not had their pictures taken and lists will be published in the CRIMSON. It is especially desirable that the inside groups be taken now. Pach's room photographer will be in Cambridge for the next three weeks and is ready to receive appointments.


