
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

Dividends payable this week numbers 100 to 200. Checks will be sent.

The following text books are ready in the book department:

Johnston's "American Politics."

Taussig's "The Tariff History of the United States."

Gray's "Structural Botany."


May's "Constitutional History of England," 2 vols.

Jahn's "Juvenal."

Corneille's "Horace."

Shiller's "Jungfrau von Orleans."

Knickerbocker Nuggets.

DeQuincey's "Essays," 2 vols., edited by Masson.

"Sylvis and Bruno." A new book by Lewis Carroll.

Adam's "Manual of Historical Literature."

Bryce's "American Commonwealth."

In the men's furnishings department:

Sweaters, Tights, Hoisery, Jerseys.
