
Characteristic Yale Publications.

Under the heading of "Characteristic Yale Publications" the Yale News gives in its last issue a short account of the books about Yale customs and Yale achievements which have been recently published. Two collections of poems written by undergraduates have been compiled from the different college periodicals. The first was published in 1881, and entitled "Elm Leaves," the second appeared in 1889 under the name of "Yale Lyrics." In "Yale Humor" by S. A. York, jr., '90. characteristic bits of Yale wit have been gathered together from the various undergraduate publications. Two stories, entitled respectively "Lloyd Lee, a Story of Yale," and "Four Years at Yale," set forth in a pleasing manner, undergraduate social life. "Sketches of Yale Life," edited by J. Addison Porter, is a compilation of pieces from the Yale Lit, which bear especially upon college life. President Porter's sermons and Baccalaureate addresses throw many side lights on the history of the college. Finally, the athletic side of the college is represented by Hurd's "Yale Athletics" which gives the history of the various Yale teams up to the present day, and runs as far back as it is possible to obtain authentic information.
