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We are glad to learn that the Shooting club proposes to erect a club house on the college property across the river. The sum of money needed for this project is not large, only $250, and ought to be collected without difficulty. The members of the club should feel that they will be doing a great service, not only to themselves, but to the whole college, by making the range so much more accessible than that at Watertown. The club has shown great vitality in keeping a winning team in the field in spite of such discouraging conditions for practice as they have labored under. They have already won a match from Yale this term, and may hope for new intercollegiate honors in the spring and in future years. The best way to make sure of a winning team is by securing better grounds and incurring more men to go out for regular practice. It will be an advantage also to the less active members of the club and to other men interested in shooting to have a range near the college, where they can go without trouble for an afternoon's sport. The grounds at Allston would be admirably adapted to the needs of the club and it has already been suggested by the college authorities to use them if possible for athletic purposes. All interests seem combined in favor of the scheme proposed by the directors. It only remains for the members of the Shooting club to attend the meeting this evening and provide for the necessary expenses.
