
Fact and Rumor.

Board at Memorial for the past quarter was $3.81.

The ninth number of the Lampoon came out yesterday.

There will be an assignment of seats in History 17 today.

G. R. Fearing, '93, has been elected steward of the Harvard Athletic association.

The examination marks in Greek B will not be announced before the first of March.


All but one or two copies of Dryden's works have been reserved in the English 16 case for the benefit of English A men.

The Yale crew will practice on Lake Whitney in preference to the gymnasium tank, until the harbor is in proper condition.

The opening at the desk at the library for the receipt and delivery of books has been enlarged to twice its former width.

There are at present nineteen men trying for the freshman crew. Within a week or two some of these men will be dropped.

The Yale News strongly urges the Bicycle club to accept the challenge of the Harvard Bicycle club to a race, on the grounds that it will revive interest in bicycling at Yale more than any other inducement, and afford invaluable training for the intercollegiate games.

Next Friday Professor Sanderson will give a short talk to French 1 on Corneille and begin the reading of his "Horace."

Hereafter members of English 12 will be required to hand in the subject of each fortnightly theme four days before the theme is due.

The Southern club dinner will be held at the Parker house on Saturday, day, February 22d. Members are requested to sing the blue book at Bartlett's immediately.

The first winter indoor meeting of the Mohican Athletic club, of Newark, N. J., which was to have been held on February 1, was postponed to February 25. This meeting is open to college men.

Woodrow Wilson, professor at Wesleyan, and lecturer at Johns Hopkins, was Thursday elected to the chair of jurisprudence and political economy at Princeton, made vacant by the death of the late Alexander Johnson.

The New York league nine has renewed its offer to present a banner to the college team making the largest score against them. Games have been arranged with Yale, Princeton, Williams and Manhattan.

The last Nassau Lit, strongly urges the revival of the old Princeton Tiger a paper corresponding with the Lampoon. Several years ago the faculty refused to allow the revival of the Tiger, but it is thought that they would be more favorable to such a proposition now.

Princeton will send the following men to the games of the B. A. A. tonight. Dohm for the dashes and the quarter and the half mile runs; Janeway for putting the shot and throwing the hammer; and the tug-of-war team-Black (captain and anchor), Casement, Bradford and Adams.
