
Fact and Rumor.

The midyear marks in English 8 have been posted in Sever 5.

The marks in German 2 will not be announced for a week or ten days.

L. A. Frothingham has been appointed temporary captain of the freshman nine.

The freshman Glee and Banjo clubs have received an invitation to give a concert near Fitchburg about March 1.

There will be no recitation in Philosophy 4 until a week from Monday, owing to the absence of Professor Palmer.


There are at present 130 men upon the waiting list at Memorial hall. On an average, four men are admitted every week.

The officers of the junior class dinner will be M. Williams, president, R. B. Hale, orator, R. W. Atkinson, chorister, and J. Wendell, jr., poet.

All men who wish to have their English A mid-year marks reconsidered, must hand in their petitions to either Professor Wendell or Mr. Carpenter before 12 today.

By a vote of the faculty, Natural History 1 and Natural History 20 may, with the consent of the instructor, be taken as half courses in either half year.

At the semi-annual meeting and banquet of the Rhode Island Harvard club, held at Providence, Wednesday evening, speeches were made by President Eliot and Professor Byerly.

A vote of thanks has been tendered the freshman Glee and Banjo clubs by the Monday night section of the Boy's club for their kindness in giving the concert in the Social Union hall.

The Banjo club has been granted permission to play informally at the Boston Athletic club, on March 1st, and also to play at the benefit entertainment of the Massachusetts Cadets on April 12.

Edward Bellamy, the author of "Looking Backward," will contribute to the March number of the North American Review a reply to General Francis A. Walker's criticism of his theories in the February Atlantic.

Sherril, the Yale sprinter has been very ill and it is doubtful whether he will be able train for the Mott Haven team. His absence and the loss of Shearman will seriously handicap Yale at the intercollegiate meeting.

The newly organized athletic committee at Amherst held its first meeting Wednesday, and elected the following officers: Dr. Edward Hitchcock, president; Dr. E. P. Harris, secretary; W. A. Hunt, '85, resident treasurer.

Three special reports will be required in History 17. The first will be the compilation of a complete list of authorities on some public character; the second will deal with the records of Congress, and the last, with some phase of the slavery conflict.

Work on the new athletic grounds at Columbia will be begun about May 1. The grounds will not be ready for use before next fall, but by that time it is expected that all the athletic associations of the college will have permanent practice and training grounds on the new field.

The Boston Athletic Association will put a strong nine into the field this year. Clarkson is coaching the battery candidates, and considers the material good. Sherman, who pitched for the Melrose team last year, will probably pitch, and Campbell, Harvard '88, will catch.
