
Co-operative Society Bulletin.

Dividends payable this week numbers 1 to 100. Checks will be sent.

The following text books are ready in the book department:

Martial's "Select Epigrams" edited by Paley and Stone.

Merry's "Homer's Odyssey, Books I to XII."

Perrin's Homer's Odyssey Books I to IV."


"The Brutus of Cicero," edited by Kellogg

Terence Bernhardt's "Deutsches Sprach-and Lesebuch."

Hauff's "Lichtenstein,"

Hoffman's "Historische Erzahlungen."

Racine's "Complete Works" 3 vols.

Chardenal's "Second French Course."

Alfred de Mussie's "Historie d'un Mere Blanc."

Well's "Recent Economic Changes."

Hadley's "Leading Principles of Political Economy."

Cairne's "Leading Principles of Political Economy."

Brigg's "Analytic Geometry.
