The Yale News gives some interesting statistics in regard to the scholarship of the athletic men at New Haven. The opinion has been prevalent in many communities that college athletes in general have an exceedingly low standing. This idea, however, has been more than once disproved during the last three or four years by the yearly reports given officially from many of the largest colleges in the country. The Yale News has interested itself in the matter, and the following figures are the results of investigations in regard to the honor men in the senior and junior classes at Yale. In connection with each team is given the number of men from '90 and '91, the appointment held by each and the number receiving no appointment.
University crew-from '90, number of men 2, first colloquy 1, no appointment 1; from '91, number of men 1, second colloquy, Class crews-from '90 academic department 4, first colloquy 1, second colloquy 1, no appointment 2; from '91 academic department 4, oration 1, second colloquy 2, no appointment 1. Football team-from '90, number of men 2, first dispute 1, no appointment 1; from '91, oration 1, dissertation 1, first colloquy 2, second colloquy 2, no appointment 3. Baseball nine-from '90, number of men 1, no appointment; from '91, number of men 3, oration 2, second dispute 1, no appointment 3. Mott Haven team-from '90, number of men 7, first dispute 2, second dispute 1, second colloquy 2, no appointment 2: from '91, number of men 4, second dispute 1, first colloquy 1, second colloquy 2. University tennis representatives-from '90, number of men 1, first dispute; from '91, number of men 3, no appointment 3. It will thus be seen that during the last year 44 academic seniors and juniors have been actively engaged on the different athletic teams. Of these, 4 have received orations, 1 a dissertation, 3 a first dispute, 3 a second dispute, 6 a first colloquy, 10 a second colloquy, and 17 no appointment.
From these figures it will be seen that 61 per cent. of the athletes have received appointments.
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