Rev. Philip S. Moxom, of Boston, delivered a sermon last night on a text from Matthew vi: 10-"Thy kingdom come: Thy will be done on earth as it is in Heaven." This is the most universal prayer of mankind; it includes everything that can be asked for from God. It confesses the imperfection of the human being, of human institutions. It acknowledges the prevalence of weakness, sin and despair in the human heart. At the same time it expresses an unfaltering trust in the goodness and justice of God. It even expresses a belief that in the end the kingdom of the Lord will put an end to the sin and misery of the human race. Every good thing done, every improvement in the arts, laws and customs of society, helps to bring about the kingdom of God. The choir sang the following selections: "O, be joyful in the Lord," Steggall; "I will sing unto the Lord," Goss; "O Holy Father," Abt.
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