
Yale Alumni Association of Boston.

The Yale alumni association of Boston and vicinity held its annual dinner Thursday evening at the Parker house, over one hundred graduates being present. Owing to the illness of President White, Judge Asa French presided, having with him at the principal table Rev. Phillips Brooks, Professor A. M. Wheeler of Yale college, Rev. Dr. Horace Bumstead, of Atlanta university, George A. Adee, and Hon. Henry E. Howland of the New York alumni association.

After the dinner a number of speeches were made. Professor A. M. Wheeler was introduced as a representative of the university. Amongst other things he stated that Harvard and Yale are not rivals, as the two universities are developing in different lines. During the past twenty-five years Harvard has increased in her undergraduate departments. while Yale's increase has been in her graduate departments. Harvard has a class of special students which seems to be a sort of feeder for the advanced classes-a short cut to the senior class, in fact.

Rev. Phillips Brooks made a few remarks upon the usefulness of athletic contests. Amongst the other speakers were George Adee, who asked for subscriptions for the new gymnasium; Hon. H. E. Howland of New York, and Rev. Dr. Bumstead of Atlanta university.

Before the dinner the annual election took place, and the following officers were elected: President, Judge Marcus P. Knowlton, class of '67; secretary, Fred W. Rogers, '83; treasurer, Walter I. Badger, '82; executive committee, Francis D. Allen, '73; Elmer P. Howe, '76; Alfred L. Ripley, '78; J. Montgomery Sears, '77; Reginald Foster, '84.
