STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.
TABLE BOARD.- 13 Row St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.
DANCING AND DEPORTMENT.Eighth season. Mrs. L. J. Chandler will reopen her classes at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 7, and would be pleased with your patronage. Children's class, Tuesday, Oct, 7, at 5 o'clock. Young people's class, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 8 o'clock. Germans, Friday evenings. commencing Oct. 17. Private lessons by appointment. Residence. Insurance Building, cor Main and Inman Sts.
WANTED.- Second volume of Mill's Elements of Political Economy. unabridged edition. Send price and address to 20 Gray's. 2t.
WANTED.- A tuitor in History 1, by some one taking courses. Leave address at Sanborn's, 410 Harvard Street.
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