

PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal this afternoon at 4 sharp.

H. F. KENT, Secretary.'93 CREW.- The first two crews at 4.10 sharp. The following at 5 sharp: Curtis, Hale. Ware, Johnson, Cochrane, Flint, Dunn and Cook.

ALL the candidates for the freshman crew will please be at the gymnasium dressed to row at quarter to five sharp.

J. M. THOMPSON.MEMBERS intending to enter the Fencing Contest on Wednesday evening, December 17th, must sign the list in the Club Rooms before Monday, Dec. 15.

Ex. Com., W. K. FLINT,ON Wednesday, the 10th, allmembers of Political Economy P will meet at 9 o'clock in Lower Mistaclusetts for a lecture by Professor Taussig.

