
The Harvard Monthly.

The December number of the Harvard Monthly opens with "A Word about Lamb's brose Style," by Mr. W. B. S. Clyner. Mr. Clymer calls Lamb's style not simple as it is often said to be, but "manifoldly complex, like a violet."

Mr. R. M. Lovett contributes an article on Obermann. It shows critical insight but is neutral in effeet. The author is without either fellow-feeling for, or hostility against his subject. Thus the article must be utterly unsatistactory to those who are so unfortunate as to experrence De Senancour's sorrowful mysticism and inactive melancholy, while it fails to attract those who approach Obermann as students of literature, and seek to know what others have thought of him. Mr. Lovett's article appears to lack spontaneity.

"Khosrau Ben Kbalid" by Mr. A. H. Williams, is a narrative of the sixth century of the Hegira and of Omar of Naishapur, the Tent-maker or Khayaw "as men style him all over the world." It is capitally written and is a thoroughly consistent development along one line. Yet, while grauting the article due praise as an achievement, one must confess that it is rather heavy and involved-a defect inseparable perhaps from a consistent treatment.

"Less Serious Nonsense," by Mr. K. Brown, is apparently a companion piece to some "serious nonsense" published in the Monthly last January. It is a clever dialogue with many quaint quirks and quibbles.

Two sonnets-"To the Nike of Paionios" by Mr. w. v Moody and one by Mr. Pitts Duffield-make up the verse of the number. They are both very commendable.


The editorial deals with the three year plan and brings up statistics to show that the change is not as peremptory as its advocates are inclined to think.
