Mr. Lathrop has begun a class in club swinging.
The second theme in German 4 is due Wednesday instead of Monday.
"All's Well that Ends Well" will be the next play read in English 2.
Stead '91, has entered the athletic games to be held next Tuesday at Worcester.
Heffelfinger, '91, will return to Yale next year to take a post-graduate course.
H. F. Taylor has been elected temporary leader of the Freshman Glee Club.
It is reported that twenty-three men of the Glee Club will go on the Western trip.
Stakes have been set out to mark the position of the new gate between Halworthy and Thayer.
Arrangements are being made for an additional set of rowing weights for the use of the various crews.
There has been no freshman foot ball team at Amherst this year, owing to the lack of interest on the part of '94.
Dr. Santayana begins psychology in Philosophy 1 on Monday. The book to be used is "Murray's Handbook of Psychology."
Mr. D. B. Waldo is about to withdraw from the Graduate School to accept an instructorship in History at Beloit College, Wisconsin.
The Harvard Club of Fall River will give the Traffords a complimentary banquet December 13. Captain Cumnock has been invited.
No Harvard men won places at the B. A. A. indoor games last Wednesday evening, owing to the heavy handicaps against them.
A. B. George, champion mile runner of America, will attempt to break the indoor record for the 1,000 yards and one mile run at the Seventh Regiment games this evening.
At 8 o'clock Thursday night, Professor Cornish. B. A. A., had the following entries for the Cross Country Run, Saturday, Dec. 6th: G. L. Batchelder '92, J. Manly '93, J. D. Stults '91, H. A. Davis '91, P. Doe '91, W. D. Corey '94.
The A. A. U. will hold its annual 10 mile championship run, and 2 mile championship steeplechase, on Dec. 13, 1890, in New York, under the auspices of the Manhattan A. C. Entries close Dec. 10, 1890. Fee $2.00.
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Dartmouth Legacy.