STUDENTS' BOARD.- A club table, also a general table, at BREWER'S, Brattle Square, Cambridge.
TABLE BOARD.- 13 Bow St. To those desiring superior table board Mrs. Metcalf offers a few seats at a general table and accommodations for two clubs of 4 to 8 persons. Terms $8 per week.
DANCING AND DEPORTMENT.Eighth season. Mrs. L. J. Chandler will reopen her classes at Odd Fellows Hall, Cambridgeport, Tuesday, Oct. 7, and would be pleased with your patronage. Children's class, Tuesday, Oct, 7, at 5 o'clock. Young people's class, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 8 o'clock. Germans, Friday evenings, commencing Oct. 17. Private lessons by appointment. Residence, Insurance Building, cor Main and Inman Sts.
TUTORING in Pol. Econ. 4; also seminar the night before examination, Thursday, Dec. 4, 7 p. m., Manter 2.
WANTED.- A club table of 6 or 8 students can be accommodated at 5 Linden St.
TUTORING in all the German courses by Richard Hochdorfer, Ph. D., former Instructor in German in Harvard College, 404 Harvard Street. House: 19 Ware Street. 56-4t.
FENCING.- F. W. Lister, teacher of Fencing, will be at the Hemenway Gymnasium at 4 p. m. Thursday Dec. 4 to meet those who are desirous of learning the art either in class or by private lessons.
The evening Dancing Class for Harvard students will meet again next Tuesday evening, Dec. 9th, at Roberts Hall at 7 o'clock. New beginners and advanced scholars. Thanks for the good attendance on the first night.
Respectfully, G. L. PAPANTI, Teacher.
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