The three musical clubs will start this evening on the long talked of western trip. It will undoubtedly be enjoyable enough to repay many times over all the time spent in practising. But the pleasure which the members of the clubs themselves will derive from the trip is unimportant when compared with that which they will afford to the graduates in the cities visited. In this lies the very benefit of the tour. The presence of Harvard undergraduates cannot fail to call back the memories, of their own college days, and revivify their interest in the welfare of almamater.
The good work which the clubs can do does not stop here. In the West Harvard is misunderstood. An unsympathetic, and often prejudiced, press has done much to create an entirely false notion of Harvard men and of the college which they represent. The members of the clubs can do a great deal to dissipate this illusion, and to convince people that Harvard students are thoroughly manly, and their college the most liberal and progressive of American universities.
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