The first concert of the season took place last evening in Sanders Theatre. The audience was large and enthusiastic and the numbers were well received. The Glee Club did itself credit, and if it sings as finely on its trip as it did last night it will be well received. There is a tendency, however, to hurry at times. Perhaps this arises from a commendable desire to avoid the opposite extreme; but there are times when a slower movement would be more acceptable.
The new songs by R. W. Atkinson '91 and E. H. Abbott '93-the last originally written for the '93 Freshman Glee Club-were well given and received. The adaption of the words from "Ben Hur" to music by L. S. Thompson is very well done and was finely rendered by M. Williams' 91. The solos by J. Wendell '91 were well sung and enthusiastically received by the audience. The song written for the foot ball dinner was evidently appreciated by others besides college men, for it was applauded to the echo.would seem, however, as if the members of the club might have got used to the words, and so be able to control their feelings when hearing them.
The Pierian Sodality gave a very creditable performance. They have evidently been earnestly trained and did credit to their leader. There is a lack of snap and percision in the wood instruments, that will probably wear off in time., Gillet's "Loin du bal" was lightly and delicately rendered.
The selections of the Banjo and Mandolin Clubs were pleasing and well given. The Banjo Club played with much snap and interest and never seemed to be at variance among themselves. No less can be said of the Mandolin Club, and their performance of the familiar "In Old Madrin" was especially well rendered.
In general the work of the clubs was very gratifying. The Glee Club has seldom before shown, uniformly throughout a performance, such skill and ability, and the leader and other officers of the organization have brought up the club to an exceedingly high standard. The other clubs also have reached a high deree of technical skill, and delicate effect.
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General Registration After the Christmas Recess.