

'93 NOTICE.- Will the following 20 men, who subscribed $25.00 last spring in order to send the crew to New London, please come to 4 Grays at 1.05 today to receive their rebate. Those who are late will not be paid until after the recess. Men must come in person: P. T. Brown, R. C. Brown, Thatcher, Fearing, Earle, Vail, Falk, Weld, J. L. Nichols, Hathaway, Blagden. C. C. Baldwin, Barlow, Winslow, Brice, Mac Veagh, W. L. Thompson, Dexter, Garland and Keyes.

E. C. CULLINAN.ST. PAUL'S SOCIETY.- Rev. R. C. Smith, assistant at Trinity Church, will address the society this evening at 7 o'clock.

HARRIS FAHNESTOCK, Sec.A BARGE for Cambridge will leave West Medford after the party this evening.
