
Saturday's Game.

The game next Saturday is expected to be one of great interest. It is practically a championship game between the two best teams in America, and will afford to lovers of the Association Game a good chance to see some excellent playing.

Those who know nothing about the game should take advantage of this opportunity, for Association Foot Ball has been for some time the leading game in England, and is fast becoming popular in America. The Rovers have for a long time been the champions of America; on Thanksgiving day they beat "All Canada" by a score of 6-1. The Olympics were champions last year, and have made a very good record this year.

It is a game for light men and affords a good opportunity for sprinters to keep in training during the winter months without danger of injury, There is no reason why this should not be the initial movement for the establishment of the Association game at Harvard. It is played between November and March, snow and ice making no difference, and would fill up the gap left between the seasons of Rugby foot ball and base ball.

Mr. Johnson the man who introduced Association Foot Ball into this country will referee Saturday's game.
