
The Princeton Nine.

The base ball interests at Princeton have been taken up especially early this year. Seldom if ever before has the training for base ball begun so soon after the close of the foot ball season. By her early beginning Princeton evidently wants to show that she means business, and will make a hard fight next spring for the championship.

The nine will begin training immediately after the Christmas vacation. The nine is fortunate this year in having a new trainer in the person of "Jack" McMaster. Another cause for congratulation lies in the new cage which lies just been completed and put in readiness for the players.

The Princeton nine promises to be exceptionally strong this year, the strongest, perhaps, the college ever produced. All of last year's players have returned to college with the exception of McMillan '90, who played right field for the nine last year. The nine last year was made up of the following men: Young, pitcher; Brokaw, catcher; Dana (captain), first base; Durell, second base; Watts, third base; Knickerbocker, short stop; McMillan played right field. but this position is now vacant Brown, centre field; and Payne, left field, Durell, who played second base, has been offered a position by the Philadelphia management, but as yet he has done nothing towards accepting it.
