
Yale Catalogue for 1890-91.

The catalogue of Yale University has just been published. The calendar shows that the plan of lengthening the summer vacation by one week has again been adopted, and that the wishes of the students have been regarded in putting Presentation Day on Monday instead of Friday.

The place on the Corporation left vacant by the death of Thomas C. Sloane of New York, has not been filled.

In addition to the former beneficiary aids, the Holmes scholarships, one in each class in college, are set forth. These are filled by students from Waterbury, Wolcott, Prospect and Middlebury, Ct., who receive each the income of one thousand dollars a year. To the list of scholarships is added the fund of forty thousand dollars, from the estate of Thomas G. Waterman, Yale '86. The income is given by the faculty to not more than three scholars from the Junior or Senior Class, or from graduates of the department of not more than two years' standing, who give promise of achieving distinction. Among the premiums is noted the Bett's prize for excellence in English composition in the Sophomore class. The prices of the college rooms have been raised throughout, and in the estimate of expenses the minimum is slightly increased.

There is a total of 1, 645 students in the university, as compared with 1, 477 for last year. They are distributed as follows, the sum for this year being given first, and then that for last : Graduate courses, 104, 81; Yale College, 832, 736; Sheffield Scientific School, 379, 343; Art School, 45, 42; Total, 1 359, 1,202. Divinity School, 139, 136; Medical School, 63, 54; Law School, 116, 111; deduct for names inserted twice, 32, 26. There is thus an increase of 168 men in the total over last year, and that was an increase of 112 over the year before.
