

LOST-One button of a gold sleeve link. If found kindly leave at Hollis 3, or send word.

T. A. GIFFORD.THE Zoological Club will meet to night in the Museum. Papers on Sexual Organs of Taenia eckinococeus, on the Development of Culex, and on Sipunculus Gouldii, Doors open from 7.15 to 7.30.

'93 CREW.- The following men will please be in the tank at 4.10 sharp: Curtis, Ware, Emmett, Bisbee, Ellsworth, Broughton, Jaggar, Purington. The rest in the rowing room at 4.10 sharp.

'92.- All candidates for the Junior Crew will please be at the gymnasium dressed to row at 3 45 sharp.

J. O. PORTER, Captain.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Important rehearsal this afternoon at 4 sharp.


H. F. KENT, Secretary.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at today at 1.30.

THE members of the Glee, Banjo and Mandolin clubs and Pierian Sodality must leave the unsold tickets and the money received for those sold at Thurston's before 12 m. Tuesday. No tickets will be taken back after that hour. 2t.
