Last Saturday all the members of the foot ball team except Cranston and the Traffords went to New York as guests of the Harvard Club of that city. The occasion was the monthly meeting of the club and the intention of the entertainers was to show the undergraduate players that the graduates at New York were not less enthusiastic in their good wishes towards those who had won a victory for Harvard than the undergraduates at Cambridge. Indeed it seemed to the fortunate guests that the college feeling was rather intensified that diminished by time, so hearty was the greeting of grey haired men who in their college days had never seen a foot ball.
Owing to the late train the party could not arrive at the club room until half past ten in the evening. They were there greeted with three cheers by the two or. three hundred graduates present and President King introduced the guests with a short address of welcome. He said that for the last fifteen years the Harvard men of New York had been compelled to keep silence whenever foot ball was mentioned in the presence of Yale or Princeton men. Now, thanks to the work of Mr. Cumnock and his associates, they had obtained a right to pass opinions on the greatest of college sports. "When the brilliant sunset at Springfield on that memorable Saturday had tinged the scene with its crimson glow, the heart of every Harvard man felt warm with the grateful radiance." Such an event enables the graduates of New York to walk with prouder step and more erect heads; and if ever in the course of the pressing duties of life the graduates lose something of their close connection to the college, such events serve to renew the bonds and unite them all in reverent devotion for the Alma Mater.
Mr. Cumnock then thanked the club for the welcome which they gave the team and desired Mr. Choate to represent the eleven in a speech.
Mr. Choate made a very entertaining address. He and other prehistoric representatives of the college had expected to see a party of "bruisers;" they were delighted to see a delegation of light weights. When he and President King had chased the foot ball on the Delta forty-two years ago the glory was all to the strong and the heavy. In 1890 he had tangible evidence that the victory upon which all Harvard men congratulated themselves so much was the result of intelligence, skill, agility and courage as much as of the strength and weight of the contestants. Strange as it might seem to the younger men, this fact was quite a revelation to some of the older men who had got all their ideas of foot ball from newspapers. He congratulated all Harvard men that they had proven the sport to be worthy of the best efforts of gentlemen. But, he added "one swallow does not make a summer," and he hoped that the hard work and enthusiasm which had won the victory were but an example to urge future generations of students to earn success by the same means.
After the transaction of some routine business of the club, President King introduced Mr. Beaman, who, he said, had charged himself with a message to the guests they would probably be interested to hear.
Mr. Beaman's address was jocular and entertaining though freighted with some points of serious interest. He said that at the instigation of some active spirits "some of us old fellows of New York" had been clubbing together their wealth and making a "jack pot" of it intending to add some new joy to the thirteen foot ball players already intoxicated by the ducat breath of victory. "Ube sunt, o pocula?" said he, "is a question I must ask of my friend Mr. Louis Clark, translating for his benefit, 'Where's them cups?' " He assured the guests that they had enough money collected to buy thirteen fine silver cups, one for each player, besides a great silver punch bowl, to be called the "Cumnock Cup" in honor of the first victorious captain for the foot ball association of Harvard. On this punch bowl was to be left space on which to record the deeds of victorious teams. On the first space was to be the performance of the team of 1890. He hoped that the space might soon be filled.
Mr. Beaman said that as one of the overseers of the University he could offer Mr. Cumnock and his compeers most hearty thanks that they had won a game of foot ball through fair play and superior methods. He added most earnest thanks to those who had done what the frequenters of games between Yale and Princeton had never expected to see,-they had played against powerful opponents a game which was not disgraced by a single ungentlemanly act. As long as our athletics were conducted in this spirit we might be sure that our teams were backed by the best sentiment of every Harvard man. He assured the men that whether they won or lost, their honest efforts would be appreciated by the graduates of Harvard. Above all he assured them that the enthusiasm of Harvard men in New York does not depend on victories or defeats for its favor, but on the steadiness and manliness with which the name of the university is upheld. They can bear every honest defeat with equanimity and greet with heartfelt joy success in any possible direction.
After Mr. Beaman's speech the evening was spent in the discussion of various athletic matters and in partaking of the liberal refreshments afforded by the Club.
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