
English 6.

Debate for December I8, I8go.

Question: Resolved, That Home-Rule should be granted to Ireland.

Brief for the affirmative:


Best general references : Essays by E. L. Godkin, James Bryce, Canon MacColl, John Morley, and W. E. Gladstone in "Handbook of Home Rule."

I. Ireland has a right to homerule.- a. Right of all British subjects to self-government; Hannis Taylor; Origin and growth of the English Constitution, I. 12, 13; Fiske, American Political Ideas. 54-56; 70-71; 91-92; Hosmer, Anglo Saxon Freedom, 270 271, 322-323; Nineteenth Century, February, 1887.-b. History does not support England's claim to govern Ireland: E. A. Freeman in Contemporary Review, Feb.1886, 156-157; Gladstone in handbook of Home Rule, 262-280; Gladstone; The Irish Question, 10.-c. The Irish are competent to govern themselves: Handbook of Home Rule, 1 24.


II. Home Rule for Ireland is a necessity.-a. Incompetence of British Parliament to govern Ireland: Michael Davitt in Forum, V. 334; James Bryce in Handbook of Home Rule, 52; Canon MacColl in Handbook of Home Rule, 18, 119, 120.-b. Parliament must be relieved of Irish legislation in order to attend to home and imperial affairs; James Bryce, Handbook of Home Rule, 31. 39.-c. Coercion is a failure: John Boyle O'Reilly in North American Review, May. 1882; Lord Thring in Handbook of Home Rule, 67, 202. 203; Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 262 pp. 508-509.-d. Refusal to grant Home Rule is dangerous.-e. Balfour's land bill not a solution to the problem; Julian Sturgis in Forum, IV. 657; Grey in Nineteenth Century, July 1890; Ireland's Alternatives in Handbook of Home Rule, 202, 208.

Brief for the negative:


Best general references: Dicey's, Why England maintains the Union; England's case against Home Rule, edited by G. B. Powell.

I. From an English standpoint home rule is dangerous and impracticable; Saturday Review for 1886 passim; 19th Century XII, 1024. a. A federation can only be successful when entered into with mutual good feeling; Introduction to England's case against Home Rule. b. A separate parliament would involve endless disputes on National affairs. c. It would set a bad example.

II. Home rule cannot satisfactorily settle the essential difficulties of the land question: Fortnightly Review. XLV, 273. LIII, 177. a. The British government being bound in honor to protect the landlords could not allow a hostile Irish parliament to settle the question; Fortnightly XLV. 861; Edinburgh Review. CLIV, 291. b. An Irish parliament would only temporarily settle the question: Dublin University Magazine. LXX, 116; Contemporary Review, XLIX. 874.

III. The Irish themselves do not want home rule. a. The Protestants comprising one-third of the population believe in the Union. b. More than half the rest, consisting of boycotters and dynamiters want complete separation.

IV. The Irish have shown themselves incapable of governing themselves. a. By the failure of the Irish parliament of 1683 and 1782; Quar. Review, vol. 165; p. 500. b. By the recent conduct of the Irish leaders which has been such that no confidence can be placed in them: Fraser LXXXV; 206; Boston Post from Nov. 17 to Dec. 11.
