The 'varsity teams at Princeton have long felt the need of a new club-house, where their training tables could be kept, and where they could conveniently come together to discuss athletic affairs. The training table for this year's foot ball team cost $2 300, a sum which the college regards as totally out of proportion to the real expense of the food, etc, Monday a meeting of the managers of the foot ball, base ball, lacrosse, and track athletic associations was held to consider the ways and means of building the new house. The foot ball management offered to give the larger part of their surplus for the present year, a sum of about $6 500. Work will be begun on the new bundling at the earliest possible moment, in order that it may be ready for the foot ball team next fall. The ground floor will be divided into a kitchen, dining hall, billiard room, and club room. On the second floor will be sleeping rooms for the alumni who come to coach the different teams. It has not yet been decided in whose hands the management of the building shall be placed.
The new base ball cage has just been finished. The floor has been rolled, and the base distances measured. The ceilings and windows have been covered with new wire. Two furnaces will be placed in the cage at once. The candidates will practice in this new building until the spring weather permits out of door work.
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A Visitor from Japan.