
Fact and Rumor.

Marks are out in English IX.

Shaw '94, has begun training for the 'varsity crew.

In Latin A there will be a sight examination on the 19th.

Holcomb, Yale's centre rush, is still confined to his room.

Mr. J. D. Barry, '89 has been chosen editor of the Cosmopolitan Magazine.


Bacon's Advancement of Learning will be begun tomorrow in English 11.

The Cornell glee club has offered a prize of ten dollars for the best college song.

H. G. Sanford has recently been elected leader of the banjo club at Andover.

H. H. Hall '92 has been elected captain of the Wesleyan eleven for next year.

Portuguese students are raising a company for active military service in Africa.

Men at the Law School will not be affected by the present date of registration.

Theme V in English B, a narrative is due some time before the Christmas recess.

Tickets for the Glee Club concert in Sanders were put on sale yesterday at Thurston's.

At present there are on the Glee Club seven 1st tenors, five 2d tenors, six 1st basses, six 2d basses.

Seven of the Armory records were broken at the annual games of the Seventh Regiment on Saturday.

The seals for the H. A. A. shingles have come, and may be obtained on application to the secretary.

The Glee Club will not be able to give a concert in Milwaukee on Christmas night as was proposed.

The Pierian Sodality was organized March 6th, 1808. In its early days it devoted itself entirely to serenading.

The tournament for the sparring, wrestling and fencing championships of the B. A. A. has been postponed.

Professor Sanderson requests that hereafter in French 2 all blue books be left in the small cabinet in Sever 24.

It is probable that very few if any of the Harvard men mentioned in the newspapers as intending to play on the B. A. A. eleven at New York next Saturday will go down; Cranston. Lee, Fearing, Finlay, certainly will not go.

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