The report of the Foxcroft Club is a compliment to the managers. It shows that good, substantial board can be got in Cambridge at very reasonable prices, and that hereafter no one need be kept away from Harvard on account of the high price of food. The new method by which the club will be carried on is a matter of moment. It will be noticed that the college authorities have seen best to withdraw from the direct management of the club, now that it is so well started, and that hereafter the students will have it in their own hands. It is a sure sign of the confidence which the officers of the college have in the continued success of the club.
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Notices.Recommended Articles
Hare and Hounds.The first hare and hounds run of the H. A. A. will take place on next Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 17.
Notices.PIERIAN SODALITY. Full orchestra must be present at rehearsal to-night, at 7.30 sharp. W. FORCHHEIMER.H. L. A. Hereafter I will
Notice.Subscriptions to the Sophomore Grew may be sent hereafter to the following address: D. P. Griswold, 47 Brattle Street. R.
Note and Comment.We will oblige. A Harvard lad who is permitted to assist in editing an undergraduate journal, and yet does not
'Varsity Nine,All candidates for the 'varsity nine will be out at 3, hereafter, instead of 3.30. H. W. Bates.