By the investigation of the will of the late Daniel B. Fayerweather who died last month, it was found that out of the $2,225.000 which he left, $2,100.000 were bequeathed to various colleges in the United States. Twenty colleges have received a share of Mr. Fayerweather's bounty, the various colleges receiving from $50.000 to $300,000 each. Six of the smaller colleges have received $50,000; eleven. including Bowdoin, Amherst, Wesleyan and Dartmouth, have been left $100.000; Columbia and Cornell have each received $200.000; and Yale heads the list with $300,000, Harvard and Prince are not in it.
The money has been left without conditions, except in two cases. In the case of the Union Theological Seminary the money has been be queathed to maintain cadetships. At Yale, too, the bequest has restrictive conditions; it is to be used only for the Sheffield Scientific School.
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