Professor J. H. Thayer spoke at the College Conference last evening on the "New Testament Times."
He said that he had no idea of taking the subject for all it covered, but as covering a new department-a frame of Christianity, which assumed Christianity as a product and required us to study it in that light.
Professor Thayer said he would divide his subject into two departments of enquiry-the Gentiles, the Jews. The first of these he would consider tonight, and for sake of clearness he would subdivide these into four great particulars. Two external particulars and two internal. The two external were the securing general currency throughout the then known world for one language-Greek, and the bringing together of the nations of the world under one sway-that of Rome. The two internal particulars were the relation to religion and the relation to philosophy.
Professor Thayer spoke of the two external particulars, told how the Greek was the predominant language in all classes, and how the peaceable rule of Rome spread over the Mediterranean. He referred to the relation to religion as the introduction of a new worship-that of the emperor.
As the hour had expired, Professor Thayer deferred the remainder of his lecture to next week.
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