
Hare and Hounds.

Hares Win the First Run.

The first run of the hares and hounds brought out about forty men, most of them new, but with a sprinkling of track runners. The hares, T. P. King, '91 and G. Lowell, '92, had seven minutes start, and were required to get in fifteen minutes before the hounds. They laid their course toward's Norton's woods, then turning across North Avenue, swung through Arsenal Square and Ash Street to the Brighton bridge. From there the course lay fairly straight to Coolidge's corner and down Beacon street to the Harvard bridge. The hares, under H. A. Davis '91, as master, lost considerable time about Arsenal Square. They made good time in Brighton, however, and were strung out for about half a mile. They made the break at the Cambridge end of the Harvard bridge, most of the men appearing for the run in. The first three men were Manley '93, Carr, '94, and F. O. Nichols, '94, arriving twenty minutes after the hares. The hares and the first hound will receive cups.
