

LOST.- A pair of steel bowed eyeglasses, on Jarvis St., Tuesday afternoon. Please return to 52 Thayer.

CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION.- Professor W. S. Chaplin will address the Association this evening at 6.30 in Lawrence Hall. All members of the university are cordially invited.

HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today at 4.30.

C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Secretary.FRESHMAN GLEE CLUB.- First rehearsal and election of officers tonight at 7 in Roberts Hall.

A WATCH found in a lecture room can be obtained on application at University 5.


CHESS AND WHIST CLUB.- Regular meeting this evening at 7.30 in the Club Union rooms.

F. W. NICOLLS, Secretary.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- A short run today at 3.15 from front of Holworthy.

A. H. WILLIAMS, Captain.HARVARD ROWING CLUB.- Office hours, Fridays, 9.30 to 10.30 a. m., 21 Hilton Block.

R. C. ROBBINS, Secretary.THE successful candidates to the Freshman Glee Club will meet in 10 Little's Block this evening at 7 o'clock

