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The feeling has been steadily growing ever since the present foot ball season opened that a game between the old rivals, Harvard and Princeton, ought to be played this year. The graduates of both colleges, particularly those living in or about New York, not only have suggested this, but have been working it up so diligently that the authorities of both colleges have men to look around for some means by which to bring about the desired end. The undergraduates, as a body, also advocate this game, being sure that all feelings of animosity, if any ever existed, have disappeared and that now no reason remains for a continuation of the strained conditions between the two Universities. We wish to do all in our power to bring about a Princeton Harvard game and, since the last game between the two teams was played at Cambridge and was won by Princeton, it is clearly the part of Harvard to open negotiations. We fear, however, that all propositions Harvard is able to make would hardly be entertained by Princeton. The condition of the discussion at present is this: Our athletic committee have taken a firm stand against granting permission to the team to play outside of New England, and, unfortunately, as we think, has already this season made decisions which make it now impossible for us consistently to lay the rule aside. Yale proposed to play Harvard at New York on Thanksgiving day, but, regarding the rule, Harvard could not consider the proposal and the game will be played at Springfield. Moreover, the dual league scheme was abandoned last year partly because of the New England clause. Harvard is now bound to maintain this position, at all events for this fall at least. If there is to be a game, Harvard will have to insist that it be played in New England.

Princeton men have a right to be independent; they may take any action they please, but if it is true, as it seems to be, that the only difficulty, the only thing in the way of the game, is a more matter of locality, it is the business of those graduates of Princeton who profess so earnestly to desire a game, to consider some suitable place in New England. We feel sure that Harvard will then do her part, and that every one will be much more satisfied with the result of the season's work. If this game takes place it would do much to soften the opinion which the other colleges entertain toward Harvard on account of our action last year. Outsiders never took the trouble to understand what was done, but the good results of it all are now evident in the thoroughly amateur and college-like game which is played this year. It lies with Princeton to settle this question, but we regret to say that at present the prospects of a game are anything but bright.
