HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal today, Friday, at 1.30.
C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Sec.WANTED.- A gymnasium locker. Good bonus given. Inquire of
P. R. REVNOLDS, 7 IIke.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Rehearsal tonight at 7 sharp.
H. F. KENT, Secretary.FOUND.- On Jarvis field, on Thanks giving Day, an overcoat. Apply at 8 Chauncy St.
H. A. A.- Any student wishing reserved seats for the West Side Athletic Club boxing tourney to be held in New York on Dec. 6, may see a plan of the hall in which it is to be held by calling during office hours.
C. R. BARDEEN, Secretary H. A. A.
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The N. E. Skating Association Carnival.