In the last three weeks among the many new books added to the University Library are some especially valuable ones. Among these are the following: F. Arbuthnot's "Arabic Authors;" Babcock's "Two Lost Centuries of Britain"; "The Historical Register of the U. S. Army from its Organization Sept. 29, 1789 to Sept. 29th, 1889," by F. B. Heitman; Achille Luchaire's "Les Communes Francaises a Pepoque des Capetiens directs; Mendelyeef's "Grundlagen der Chemie"; A facsimile of the earliest edition of Columbus's letter announcing the discovery of the New World; "Leibnitz's New Essays Concerning the Human Under standing," John Dewey; D. McK. Kerly's "Historical Sketch of the Equitable Jurisdiction of the Court of Chancery," being the Yorke prize essay of Cambridge University in 1889; Immanuel Kant's "Critique of Practical Reason;" A. C. Merriam's "Telegraphing Among the Ancients;" "A Dictionary of Music and Musicians," (A. D. 1450 1889). by eminent writers. English and foreign; Ben Jonson's "Masques and Entertainments;" Wm. D. Morrison's "The Jews under Roman Rule;" "Die Philosopher Schrifien," by Gottfried W. Leibbiz; "The History of Scotland from the Earliest Times to the Present Century," by John Mackintosh L. L. D.; "The Influence of Sea Power upon History," by A. T. Mahan; Hippolyte Bernheim's "Treatise on the Nature and Uses of Hypnotism"; "Electric Transmission of Energy"; a practical hand-book, by Gisbert Knapp; "Abraham Lincoln's Pen and Voice," being a complete compilation of his letters, civil, political and military; also his public addresses, messages to Congress, inaugurals and others; "The Diseases of the Will," by Theodule Ribot, and "The Psychology of Attention," by the some author and Rullof Wolf's "Handbuch der Astronomie, Inrer Geschichte and Litteratur."
Additions are constantly being made to the Library, but these books show that those of the last few weeks have been very important.
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