Old John went to Springfield Saturday.
Since 1883 Harvard has beaten Princeton but once in foot ball.
Williams defeated Dartmouth on Friday by a score of 6-0.
Knapp has been captain of the Andover eleven for next year.
Among the students at the law school is one from Africa.
Mr. C. K. Bolton, '90, has secured a position in the college library.
There will be no game between the freshman teams of Princeton and Yale this year.
Rev. Edward Everett Hale will preach in Appleton Chapel next Sunday.
The candidates for the Dartmouth nine have already begun light training work in the cage.
Mrs. Arthur Nikisch will be the vocal soloist at the next Symphony Concert in Sanders Theatre.
The Thanksgiving Vesper service will be held in Appleton Chapel on Tuesday afternoon.
Bishop Talbot, of Idaho, addressed the members of the St. Paul's Society and Y. M. C. A. last evening.
Professors White, Shaler, and Peabody, Mr. Chamberlain and Governorelect Russell saw the Yale geme.
Dr. Harold Ernst, who has gone gone abroad to investigate Dr. Doch's discovery, was a Harvard base ball pitcher.
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James Herbert Sprague '98.