The arrangements between the Yale Gun Club and the Harvard Shooting Club have been completed. The match will be shot on the grounds of the grounds of the Springfield Gun Club tomorrow morning. The Harvard men have been practising for the last two weeks, but no very good shots have appeared. There are seven men from whom five will be selected to compete with Yale: these are Bacon '91, Luce '91, Dodge '91, Everett '91, Lamb '91, Norton '91 , and Pike '93. The Yale team will be made up as follows; Farwell '92 (captain), Floyd-Jones '92, Seely '92, Burrell '93, and either Calhoun or Hoyt. Two matches were shot with Yale last year which resulted as follows: Harvard 102, Yale 96; and Yale 103. Harvard 99. Yale also defeated Princeton, 98 to 89. The match will be shot early enough so that men who are in Springfield in the morning can witness the match. The team leaves Cambridge tonight.
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Bowdoin and Dartmouth.