
Glee Club at Springfield.

The Glee Club will go to Springfield this afternoon at two o'clock. This evening they will sing between the dances at the first of a series of Springfield assemblies; this one is in honor of Yale and Harvard men. During the evening a double quartet will go to the quarters of our eleven and divert them with some singing.

The songs at the concert will be as follows: Three solos by J. Wendell-Mrs. Craigin's Daughter, O'Reilly, O'Grady's Goat; Rhine Wine Song, Mendelssohn; Heinz Von Stein, Thayer; The Catastrophe; The Three Glasses, Fisher; The Cannibal Idyl, Taber; Breeze of the Night Waltz, Lomthe.

The double quartette is made up thus: First tenors, Gay and Parker; second tenors, Tremain and Bowles; first basses, Williams and Berry; second basses, Atkinson and Bruegger; soloist, Wendell.

The club will stay at the Warwick House.
