FOUND.- In the gymnasium, opposite locker 1062, a small gold knot scarf pin, on Thursday, Nov. 13. Apply to the janitor.
FRATERNITY NOTICE.- All members of the Alpha Tau Omega Fraternity connected in any way with Harvard university are requested to send their names and addresses at once to
VIRGIL RYDER, 32 Wendell St.'94 NOTICE.- The following men will be at Mrs. Belcher's today at 3 o'clock sharp to go to Providence: Stone, Gage, Borden, Garrison, Clark, Cabot, Quigley, Waters, Wrenn, Bond, McDaniel, Saltonstall, Rogers, Mackie, Fay, Thayer.
P. GARDNER.The board at Memorial up to Nov. 1 was $4.03 a week.
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