
Journal of Ethics.

The International Journal of Ethics is the title of a new quarterly of which the Oct. number has been issued, being an outgrowth and enlargement of the Ethical Record. This periodical is conducted by an editorial committee consisting of Felix Adler, Ph. D., New York; Stanton Coit Ph. D., London; Professor G. Von Gizycki, Berlin; Professor Fr. Jodl, Prague; J. S. MacKenzie, M. A., Manchester; J. H. Muirhead, M. A., London; and Professor Josiah Royce of our own university.

The first number is a substantial one in size and in contents. Among its contributors are Professor Sidgwick of Cambridge, Professor Hoffding of Copenhagen University, Felix Adler and and William M. Salter. Professor Royce contributes a review of the "Way out of Agnosticism" by Dr. Francis Ellingwood Abbot, formerly instructor in Philosophy at Harvard. Professor Royce characterizes Dr. Abbot's "modern" and "American" method of philosophical argument as essentially vicious and injurious.

The Journal of Ethics is published at 1602 Chesmut St., Philadelphia. C. C. Ramsey, '92, 10 Divinity Hall, is the agent for Harvard University. Orders may be sent by mail or left with Mr. Ramsey afternoons, between five and half past five o'clock.
