
Foot Ball.

'Varsity 20; Second Eleven 5.

No game being arranged for Saturday afternoon, the first eleven played a practice game with the second. It was a disagreeable day and it was not a very interesting game, so most of the spectators left the field at the end of the first half; they thereby missed the best part of the game. During the first half both teams played carelessly, and with a seeming lack of interest in their work. The team play was wretched; it is true the first eleven was pitted against thirteen men, but this is not sufficient excuse for the fact that during the greater part of the first half the ball was at the 'Varsity end of the field. The interference was for the most part uniformly bad, and what there was of it the backs failed to take advantage of. Outside of the tackling the play was ragged at all points; occasionally the men would settle down to good work, and towards the close of the game there was a prolonged brace on both sides, during which the play was excellent, but the general effect was not exactly encouraging. It will take a great deal of hard work in the days that remain to get the team to playing with more unity and steadiness. There is a great deal of strong material in this year's eleven, but it is not always strong material that wins foot ball games.

In Saturday's game Dean and Lake played the strongest game for the 'Varsity pack of the line; in the line Cumnock and Hallowell played fairly well on the ends, though both had their hands full with the men opposite them. P. Trafford played strongly, and Finlay showed considerable improvement. Five touch-downs were scored by the 'Varsity, three in the first half and two in the second; no attempt was made to kick the goals. The second eleven scored five points through Frothingham's goal from the field. Mason, Blanchard and Shea played well among the forwards of the second eleven, and Harding was everywhere, tackling surely and rushing strongly. The teams were made up as follows:

First Eleven-Rushers, Cumnock, Alward, Finlay, Cranston, Trafford, Newell, Hallowell; quarter back, Dean; half-backs, Lake, Corbett; full back, Fearing.

Second Eleven-Rushers, Mason, Blanchard, Shaw, Bangs, Heard, Shea, Miller; quarter-back, Harding; half-backs, Lee, Sherwin, Blagden, Perry, Burgess; full-back, Frothingham.
