Harvey, Yale's full-back, begins practice today.
The third theme in English B is due tomorrow.
Men in German 4 are reading Goethe's Goetz Von Berlichen.
French 2 will be divided into three sections today or Wednesday.
The class of '82 gave Sherman Hoar a dinner last Friday.
W. H. St. John '91, has been elected manager of the Yale nine.
It is said that Rhodes will play right end for Yale next Saturday.
The "Idler" Club of the Annex will give a tea next Friday afternoon.
A freshman banjo club has been organized at Princeton.
There is an increased interest in tug-of-war at Columbia this year.
There was no regular examination in German 1 a last Friday since Professor Bartlett thonght the paper too difficult.
The annual convention of the D. K. E. was held in New York last week.
The B. A. A. will hold an indoor meeting a week from next Wednesday.
W. R. Kales' 92, has been elected captain of the Technology eleven for next year.
There will be two hare and hounds runs this week, on Wednesday and on Friday.
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