
Overseers Meeting.

A special meeting of the Harvard Overseers was held Wednesday. It was voted to concur with the president and fellows in their votes appointing C. B. Davenport, A. B., proctor for 1890 91; and in electing H. P. Walcott, M. D., as a fellow of the corporation.

It was voted that in the opinion of the board it is advisable that the necessary steps should be taken to provide for the publication of a series of monographs or university studies on various subjects in conformity with the recommendations contained in the reports of the visiting committee on modern history and international law, and the visiting committee on Indo-Iranian languages for the current year. It was also voted that in the opinion of the board it is desirable that the necessary steps should be taken to comply with the condition upon which offers of pecuniary assistance to the trustees of the Peabody Museum have been made by the visiting committee of the museum as appears in the report of that committee for the current year.
