HARVARD ELECTRIC CLUB.- There will be a meeting of the club tonight at 7.30 in Lawrence Hall. Mr. W. C. Sabine of the Physical department will address the club on the subject of "Practical Problems in Alternate Currents.
HOWARD C. SMITH, Secretary.HARVARD GLEE CLUB.- Rehearsal at 4.30 today.
C. J. F. BRUEGGER, Secretary.'94 NOTICE.- The following men will be dressed to play today at 3.15 sharp: Gage, Clark, Stone, Beals, McDonald, Waters, White, Cabot, Rogers, Cosby, Saltonstall, Fay, Damon, Garrison, Ladd, Loring, Gleason, Morgan, Hoag, Frothingham, Williams, Wrenn, Thayer, Gifford, Wilson, Ellis.
P. GARDNER.HARVARD BICYCLE CLUB.- Smoker in the Union Club Rooms Thursday at 7.30.
B. C. DE WOLE, Secretary.PHILOSOPHY 14.- I am prevented from meeting my class this morning.
FRANCIS G. PEABODY.PIERIAN SODALITY.- Barges will be in front of Hubbard's drug store at 7 sharp this evening.
H. F. KENT, Secretary.H. A. A.- The hare and hounds run will be run again on Friday at 4 o'clock sharp.
G. R. FEARING, Secretary H. A. A.H. U. C. A.- There will be a meeting of the executive committee at 13 Wadsworth House on Friday, the 14th, at 7 p. m.
W. B. GREENLEAF, President.
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