The following challenge has been sent to Harvard by the Yale Gun Club:
Sec'y Harvard Shooting Club-
Dear Sir: The Yale University Gun Club challenges the Harvard Shooting Club to a contes under the following conditions: A team of five men to represent each club; the shoot to take place at Springfield, Mass., either Friday afternoon, Nov. 21, or Saturday morning, Nov. 22; each man to shoot at thirty birds, keystones preferred, but if desired fifteen keystones and fifteen Ligowskys; the lastest American Association rules to govern the match.
E. H. FLOYD-JONES, Sec'y Y. G. C.This challege will in all probability be accepted. A new set of matches will be started this afternoon at two o'clock, and Mr. Lamb, the president of the club, asks that the number of entries this afternoon be large so that the management may have a large number of men to pick from in selecting the team to shoot at Springfield.
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