
H. U. C. A. Race Meet.

The Harvard University Cycling Association held its fall meeting on Holmes field Saturday afternoon. The number of entries was very fair and a little more than the ordinary percentage of the men entered started. Owing perhaps to the strong wind the records made were not anything remarkable, though some very pretty racing was done.

The first event, quarter mile ordinary, handicap. was raced for in two heats. One man from Yale entered and all the other men belonged to the H. U. C. A. In the first heat Brown (20 yards) tried hard to overtake Howe of Yale (60 yards) and finished a very close second. Hawes was third. In the second. Hawes was third. In the second heat Greenleaf (scratch) took his time and beat Barron (20 yards) on the home stretch.

In the half mile safety R. H. Davis started scratch, giving Olmsted 80 yards, Brown 80 yards, Greenleaf 60 yards and Bates 150 yards. It looked as if Bates' handicap was going to be too much to overcome, but Olmsted passed him and finished first in 1 min. 19 1-5 sec. Bates was second and Davis a good third.

In the two mile ordinary, scratch, there were three starters, Howe of Yale, P. W. Davis, and Taylor of Harvard. Davis and Taylor kept together all the way, Davis leading till the last lap, when Taylor passed him and finished just ahead. Time, 6 min. 47 2-5 sec. Howe had been hanging some distance behind them all the way, and as something was wrong about his machine, he stopped in the middle of the sixth lap.

The next event was the one mile safety, scratch, open to members of the Interscholastic Cycling Association. The three starters were all from the Roxbury Latin School. Pierce took the lead, followed by Kimball, with Adams third. They finished in the same order. Time, 3 min. 25 3-5 sec.


In the final heat of the quarter mile ordinary, Howe won in 38 1-5 sec. His handicap was too large. Barron and Brown started together and made a pretty race for second place, which Barron won. Greenleaf did not ride.

There were four starters in the half mile safety, open to Harvard novices. Keller led all the way around the course with Macallister second. Norton was doing well when he fell. Tower finished third. The time was 1 min. 34 3-5 sec.

There were eight entries in the mile ordinary, handicap. It was a good race and would have been closer if the two scratch men had got under way more promptly. Besides the H. U. C. A. men there were entries from Yale, Tech. and the Worcester Tech. Hawes (50 yards) won in 2 min. 56 1-5 sec. Barrson (75 yards) was second and Davis (scratch) third.

The officers of the meeting were as follows: Referee, A. D. Peck; judges, T. S. Lee '91, and A. W. Weld '91; timeers, J. F. Bass '91, F. M. Wood, E. C. Moen '91; starter, H. S. Cornish; clerks of the course, T. J. Stead '91, A. H. Williams '91, O. K. Hawes '92; scorer, J. H. Rhoades, Jr. '92, assistant scorers, J. S. Cook '92, T. C. Smith '92; umpires, C. R. Bardeen and S. Adams.
