

LOST.- Brown and White fox terrier, brown ears, brown spot on head, wears collar marked "Maximilian, Ralph May." Please return to 49 Oxford St., Cambridge.

H. U. C. A.- Regular office hours from 9 to 10 a. m. Tuesday and Saturday; today also from 9 to 10 p. m.

F. L. OLMSTED, JR., Secretary H. U. C. A. 13 Wadsworth.'VARSITY NOTICE.- The following men will be at the Cary Building at 2 o'clock sharp, dressed to play Cornell: Upton, Shaw, Cranston, Blanchard, Newell, Crosby, Dean, Fearing, Lake, trafford, Wrenn '94, Davis, Heard, Bangs, Perry, Burgess, Henry, Lee.

A. J. CUMNOCK.ALL members of the '92 team can have a chance to try for the second eleven by giving their names to me.

A. J. CUMNOCK.'93 ELEYEN.- All men must be out tomorrow at 2 o'clock for practice, Game with '91 postponed until Monday.


S. W. ELLSWORTH, Captain.SECOND ELEVEN NOTICE.- The following men will be at Mrs. Belcher's at 11 o'clock exactly ready to get to Fall River: Miller, Shea, S. Berry, L. F. Berry, Steedman, Weed, McDonald, Pierce, Putnam, Neff, Frothingham, Blagden, White, Waters.
