The Free Wool Club met in Sever 11 last evening to listen to Mr. Moorfield Storey on the McKinley tariff bill.
Mr. Loyd McKim Garrison, L. S., introduced the speaker in a few short and well chosen words and the audience gave him a most cordial welcome.
Mr. Storey then proceeded to arraign the tariff bill in a remarkably clear, lucid, and straightforward manner. He said that the McKinley bill marks a new departure and is merely an experiment and a beginning. He then spoke on the four essential features of the bill and brought out the disingenuousness of the republican leaders. Mr. Storey devoted a long time to the discussion of sugar's being on the free list. He drew a comparison of the old and new tariff laws, said that somebody understood every line but that nobody understood the whole.
At the close of the address Mr. Garrison said that it was the custom of the club to elect every speaker an honorary member and that he awaited the nomination of Mr. Storey. It was promptly made and the meeting declared adjourned.
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